Monday, December 14, 2009

Good morning and good night!

It's Monday morning and many are sleeping at this hour. I turn on my laptop with the hope that I will work on the paper for my final exam... However, I did not get to the homework, yet. This week I will complete my Marketing class and in January I will start the last class from my graduate program.

Wow! Who could have believe that?!

Don't let my picture full you. My heart is younger and my mind just moved to its twenties... okay, thirties...

Education is a journey that will never end, or at least for me. Also, it is an investment - the money I invested in my student loans. I always dreamed that I will complete my education when I would move to the USA, but I could not come earlier... and when I came I already had three beautiful girls, so I had to wait my turn.

I am new at blogging and I would do anything, but homework... I may return sooner with more thoughts, now I am drained out.

Good morning and good night!

P.S. Catalina, Sibylle, and Patricia - I love you! - you are the reason I exist!